Game, Set, Cash! by Brad Hutchins
Game, Set, Cash! by Brad Hutchins PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Inside the secret world of tennis court - siding. Brad Hutchins has been living a young bloke's dream: getting paid to travel the world and watch sport. Sitting court - side on the pro tennis circuit, he uses his phone to transmit results to a gambling syndicate, taking advantage of the time delay in TV broadcasts to beat other online punters to the big pay - offs. His stories from life on the road capture the adventures and mishaps that come with following the world's best tennis players and partying in a new country every week. But like card counters in casinos, court - siders are despised by the tennis establishment. The more time Brad spends at tournaments, the harder it becomes for him to evade the security guards who are hell - bent on ejecting him from matches. The resulting cat - and - mouse chases will appeal to anyone who loves the roguish spirit of The Wolf of Wall Street or Catch Me If You Can.From reader reviews:
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