Commercial Law, Keyed to Warren and Walt (Casenote Legal Briefs) by Casenote Legal Briefs
Commercial Law, Keyed to Warren and Walt (Casenote Legal Briefs) by Casenote Legal Briefs PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
After your casebook, a Casenote Legal Brief is your most important reference source for the entire semester. The series is trusted for its expert summary of the principal cases in your casebook. Its proven reliability makes Casenote Legal Briefs the most popular case brief series available. With more than 100 titles keyed to the current editions of major casebooks, you know you can find the help you need. The brief for each case saves you time and helps you retain important issues. Each brief has a succinct statement of the rule of law/black letter law, description of the facts, and important points of the holding and decision. Quicknotes are short definitions of the legal terms used at the end of each brief. Use the Glossary in the end of your text to define common Latin legal terms. Such an overview, combined with case analysis, helps broaden your understanding and supports you in classroom discussion.Each title is keyed to the current edition of a specific casebook; it s your trusted guide to the text throughout the semester.
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