Physical Exercise Interventions for Mental Health
Physical Exercise Interventions for Mental Health PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Exercise is well known to be beneficial to physical health; however, increasing research indicates that physical exercise is also beneficial to brain health and may alleviate symptoms of mental disorders. This book, written by international experts, describes and explores the theory and practice of exercise intervention for different mental disorders across the life span. Drawing on evidence from basic neuroscience research, and enriched with findings from the latest clinical trials, the work provides clear descriptions of current practice and highlights ways to translate this knowledge into pragmatic advice for use in daily practice. The chapters cover a broad range of conditions including neurodevelopmental disorders, depression, anxiety, psychosis and late life neurocognitive disorders. This book is for mental health clinicians including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, as well as internists, paediatricians and geriatricians seeking a comprehensive and individualized approach to treatment.From reader reviews:
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