Minggu, 16 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ Pow-Wows: An American Grimoire by John George Hohman

Pow-Wows: An American Grimoire by John George Hohman

Pow-Wows: An American Grimoire

Pow-Wows: An American Grimoire by John George Hohman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

John George Hohman's "Pow Wows", originally subtitled "Long Lost Friend," is partially of German origin through the Pennsylvania Dutch and very likely partly derived from the traditions of the French cycle of occultism and the Petit Albert. Covering topics from herbal medicine to prayer healing and topical defensive magick, it is a dense and well written booklet. Within its pages are instructions for destroying disease, safeguarding property, stopping thieves, preventing famine, nourishing animals, and, strangely, several recipes for totally secular things such as clothing dye and soap powder. It is an early, and possibly the earliest, American grimoire.

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