Kamis, 23 April 2015

PDF⋙ An Angel's Heart by Annette Miller

An Angel's Heart by Annette Miller

An Angel's Heart

An Angel's Heart by Annette Miller PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Angel Haven team member, Racheal McCafferty is losing control of her superpowers, and it started benignly when an old man shook her hand. Now, she's being followed by a shadow man who terrifies her, but she's also tempted by the whispers of untold power he plants in her mind. Joseph Caine is called in to help Rachael understand what is happening with her. As an earth wizard, he feels an affinity to her, believing he can help because they both have the same connection to the earth. But as evil grows around them and Joseph begins having visions of death and destruction, he knows Rachael isn't the dark warlock's only target.

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