Selasa, 29 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ Nothing But Net (Lorimer Sports Stories) by Michael Coldwell

Nothing But Net (Lorimer Sports Stories) by Michael Coldwell

Nothing But Net (Lorimer Sports Stories)

Nothing But Net (Lorimer Sports Stories) by Michael Coldwell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Cape Breton Grizzly Bears are a bad news basketball team--they haven't won a single game all season. But the rules say a team from their region has to play in the Nova Scotia Invitational Tournament in Halifax, and they're it.

Their "star" player is the harebrained Chip Carson, whose constant scheming and practical jokes keep his coach and teammates permanently on edge. Once in Halifax, however, Chip's antics rally the team, driving them on an improbable run for the title.

Nothing But Net is the hilarious story of a bedraggled group of basketball misfits who turn certain defeat into heart-warming victory. [Fry Reading Level - 4.2

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