Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

PDF⋙ Heart and Mind: Mastering the Art of Decision Making by Barry Anderson, Dan Hahn, Ursina Teuscher

Heart and Mind: Mastering the Art of Decision Making by Barry Anderson, Dan Hahn, Ursina Teuscher

Heart and Mind: Mastering the Art of Decision Making

Heart and Mind: Mastering the Art of Decision Making by Barry Anderson, Dan Hahn, Ursina Teuscher PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Together, Barry Anderson, Dan Hahn, and Ursina Teuscher have guided thousands of clients and students through difficult personal and work choices. Now, they combine their collective experience and scientific knowledge to share a better process for tackling your own big personal decisions.

Scholars have come up with many smart decision tools to help us make better choices. However, those methods are complicated and require us to throw our intuition out the window instead of rely on it. Meanwhile, we are left mulling over our personal and emotional decisions---those we tend to regret the most---without a guide.

In Heart and Mind, the authors blend the best from decades of decision science with intuitive checks to provide a powerful six-step decision process. With practice, you can swiftly make better choices in any personal or professional situation. You will learn how to detect and avoid irrational biases, seize unseen opportunities, define what really matters in any decision, come up with truly creative solutions, highlight your best alternatives, and squash any possible regret associated with the consequences of your choices.

With examples ranging from confused career changers, nervous fiancées, work/family balance challenged accountants, to even some interplanetary travelers, Barry, Dan, and Ursina provide you with the framework, templates, and toolkits to become more balanced, creative, and courageous in any of your life decisions.

The first hurdle is having the courage to use a better process to get our hearts and heads speaking the same language. Only then can we expect to reach better outcomes. Are you up for the challenge?

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