CNET Do-It-Yourself Windows Vista Projects: 24 Cool Things You Didn't Know You Could Do! by Curt Simmons
CNET Do-It-Yourself Windows Vista Projects: 24 Cool Things You Didn't Know You Could Do! by Curt Simmons PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Take Windows Vista to new horizons
Now you can get the most out of Microsoft's revolutionary new operating system with the practical and entertaining projects packed inside this easy-to-follow guide. Produced in conjunction with, the place you go for the latest in tech and consumer electronics, this book shows you how to do all kinds of cool things with Windows Vista, like create CDs and DVDs, set up a virtual meeting room, improve your PC's performance, solve home networking problems, recover lost files, and more.
Inside, you'll find 24 self-contained projects, step-by-step instructions, a list of tools needed at the beginning of each project, and hundreds of clear photos and screenshots. With CNET Do-It-Yourself Windows Vista Projects, you'll reach new levels of fun and productivity.
- Create a custom Windows Sidebar
- Watch TV on your PC and record your favorite shows
- Enable speech recognition
- Create your own movie and burn it to a DVD
- Synchronize your PC with other computers and devices
- Schedule automatic backups for your data
- Turn your PC into a GPS device
- And much more
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