Innovative Surface Structures: Technologies and Applications by Martin Bechthold
Innovative Surface Structures: Technologies and Applications by Martin Bechthold PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The book focuses on the recent innovations in computational techniques, material and digital fabrication technology that are revolutionizing the design, analysis and construction of surface structures. Powerful analysis tools now enable the accurate prediction of structural behaviour and manufacturing processes. Material innovations in the area of cementitious and other composites, glass, or smart materials, to just name a few, are challenging architects to find appropriate forms and applications. Digitally supported fabrication technology has taken a quantum leap since the time of the master shell builders 40 years ago, unfolding new potential to realize complex structural shapes in new and innovative ways. These innovations are presented in the context of an in-depth introduction to the fundamentals of surface structures providing the necessary knowledge for the successful design of shells and tensile systems in a broad variety of materials. Many of the principles are demonstrated using new material of some of the masterpieces in surface architecture.
The book is structured into three parts. The first part familiarizes the reader with the topic of surface structures. It provides a historic overview and explains the underlying structural principles and traditional construction techniques. Part II introduces design methods, emphasizing recent developments in computational design and analysis that have greatly facilitated the design and construction of surface structures. Part III presents case studies demonstrating use of innovative and emerging materials.
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